Cheque books issued subject to the following conditions:
a. The Customer agrees to look after and use any cheque book and any cheque form with utmost care.
b. The Customer further agree to ensure:
i. That all uncompleted cheque forms are kept in safe custody at all times;
ii. That the Bank is informed immediately upon discovery by the Customer that any cheque book or any cheque form has been stolen, lost or mislaid;
iii. That any person preparing the cheques is authorised to do so;
iv. That any cheque is prepared and signed in ink or other indelible writing materials;
v.That the amount of any cheque is written as near as possible to the left side of the area clearly marked/provided for area on the cheque for writing
vi.That any cheque and any alteration is signed by an authorized signatory;
vii.That no uncompleted cheque is given to any stranger or other person when the Cheque does not have reasonable grounds for believing him to be trustworthy.
c. The Customer is advised that;
i. Where possible any completed cheque should be crossed with two distinct lines in order to make the cheque negotiable only through the Bank: and
ii. the cheque keeps his account then the name of the Bank should be added to the crossing in order to make the cheque negotiable only through that particular bank.
d. On receipt of a written notice from the Customer to stop payment of a cheque, the Bank will record the notice.
e. Upon closure of any account the Customer will return to the Bank any remaining uncompleted cheque forms relating to the account.