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Be the First to get refreshing services here at iKonnect hub
More DetailsCorporate Social Responsibility acknowledges the fact that organisations do not exist in bubbles. Giving back to the society in which the company operates is part of what organisations should do to be part of it (the society).
The 2019 edition of the Think Business Awards acknowledged Credit Bank as the 2nd Runners Up in Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility. As a bank our commitment goes beyond giving back to something more. The bank has made CSR an integral part of its core values and further its mission. It is not just about providing financial solutions but further impacting the society in which we operate in.
Credit Bank is committed to impacting positively the socio-economic spheres in which the bank operates in. Organisations need to become more conscious of the impact they have in a broader sense. The traditional “giving back” in which it is simply a donation doesn’t fit the definition of being socially accountable to stakeholders. The lines are becoming blurred and CSR is not just an activity at the end of the year, rather part of everyday operations. This is the belief at Credit Bank.
Being an integral part of the Bank’s operations, CSR demands we enhance where we operate especially having a positive impact on the economy and environment. This has further been acknowledged by the recent recognition by Kenya Association of Manufacturers on contributing to Sustainable Finance in Kenya. The Bank’s operations go the extra step to ensure that projects financed do not impact negatively on the society. We have been involved in numerous projects on Clean Energy Financing as part of our effort to fight climate change. Agribusiness financing and our focus on SMEs acknowledges the banks effort to have an impact on society through sectors that impact employment opportunities and direct growth of the economy.
Having a long-term view of what the Bank does is more important over short term CSR measures. Our biggest CSR initiative is that of the Entrepreneurs Hub. The Bank takes pride in this initiative which carries the objective of transforming and growing SMEs into established operations. EHub is a platform where entrepreneurs can learn, engage and grow. Members learn through various methods including one-on-one business coaching that seeks to establish systems for the SMEs to grow. Engagement is through networking forums hosted by the Bank in which the businesses get opportunities to share about their ideas. This further gives them the opportunity to market themselves to other members and eventually growth consequently.
We have engaged in other CSR activities which you can explore here. Our CSR takes on a broad approach including philanthropy and volunteer efforts.
Winning the award does not mean we are done. Instead, this recognition gives us the impetus to be an impactful and caring corporate citizen. The Bank wants to ensure that being socially responsible remains part of our culture. A culture where we go beyond the laid down procedure, going the extra step to understand and provide sustainable solutions.